Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bubba's Pampered Pedalers

A lot of my friends have asked me about details of the ride; and so I thought it would be good to tell you about Bubba, the man who is hosting my coast to coast tour

I went on Bubba's fall ride ("Bubbafest") back in 2012.  This is a one week round trip ride from Key Largo - Key West.  I had a terrific time, and learned that he was doing coast to coast rides in the spring.  I think that in 2012, the number of riders was less than 20, and now is over 40 for the 2014 tour.  Here's a link to Bubba's web site if you would like to check out all of his tours


The coast to coast ride is fully supported.  In fact Bubba will take care of my tent and air mattress, baggage, breakfast and evening meals -- and even does laundry service twice a week!  Plus, the staff includes a bike mechanic, massage therapist, and chef (complete with a professional kitchen on wheels).  About the only thing he doesn't do is pedal my bike!

Here's a picture of the riders who completed last year's tour.